Q. March is inching ever closer and I would like to do more than just tread water this year .... financially speaking. I want my piece of the spring break pie! Soooo - what do spring breakers really want? (I mean, besides buckets of booze, beach blanket bingo and barely-there bikinis.)
A. The way I see it, if we have to put up with the noise and inconvenience, we ought to be able to reap some of the rewards, right? To that end, I have been actively soliciting comments from past and future spring breakers via my websites for several years now and I can tell you with great confidence exactly what they want: Seriously, I am getting some useful feedback from the youngsters on SpiBreak.com's message board and in newsletter request forms -- and since I mostly just hibernate or leave town during March, the only way I can benefit from all this knowledge is to share it. Q. Where you been? We haven't been seeing your columns anywhere lately... Have you run out of stuff to write about??? A. Blame it on a stupid New Year's resolution. I have quit smoking cigarettes (again!) and have discovered (again!) that there is some weird connection between writing and smoking. Seems that gray cloud floating around my head was doing more than just irritating my boyfriend and shaving years off my expected life-span -- it was actually helping me to organize my thoughts into some kind of coherent, fit-for-publication state! I have spent the past three weeks experimenting with various flavors of lollipops, gum and toothpicks in my search for some sort of viable substitute. If you are reading this, it means that I was successful (or maybe that I have given up and gone back to smoking.) |
There are five (5) ways to submit your questions/comments for future Ask Sandy columns: In person; by phone (761-6222) or fax (761-8930); the US Postal System (box 2694,spi,78597) and E-mail: (sandyfeet@unlitter.com). Visit my web-site (http://spionline.com/) for tips on sandcastling, contest info, recent Ask Sandy columns, and my reviews of local businesses.