s a n d y f e e t . e x p o . e u r o p a . 9 8

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Dune Dog
5/15/85 - 6/15/98

He was a good dog.

He made everyone feel like he loved them best
but he always kept his eye on me --

sleek body poised
muscles all aquiver
he would wait

for supper

for the ball to be thrown

for me to to come home

He was a good dog

And he always kept his eye on the ball --
right up to the end
when he all he could manage to catch
was his breath.

He was a good dog

And he kept his eye on the door
until he couldn't wait any longer --

A sunrise sculpture on a beach
somewhere in Italy
was all I could give him

and I shall miss him forever.

Dune sculpture

pencil drawing by Russell


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