s a n d y f e e t . e x p o . i t a l i a . 9 9


The Hotel Corallo

By now we were down to six - John & Judy, hotelDamon & Beth, Rich and myself. This was to be John and Judy's last night in town.

When we returned from Caerle, we discovered that Beth and Damon had not been total slouches for the day and had in fact constructed a very nice sculpture right in front of the hotel.

Left: Beth with her "Grazie Hotel Corallo" Sculpture

group shot

Above, from left: Matteo, Judy, John, Sylvia, Augustino and Flavia

Below: Rich and Beth ponder the chess board

chess game

So we rustleed up our host, hostess and their kids for one last group shot and lots of thank you hugs.

Below: Another Sylvia was our waitress for most of our stay

Right: Sandsculpture is nothing new at the Corallo - this photo, shot in 1955, shows a younger Augustino with his handiwork




Below: I took one last stroll over to see my sculpture only to discover that the vandal critics had basically jumped all over it.


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