The Summer 2000 edition of the Lands End Kids Catalogue features a full-page spread on me - see the whole layout here. (Sand castle by sandy feet, photography by Amazin' Walter.)
Thank you, Lands End!
WHY DOES SAND STAND? If you're like me, you probably don't have a clue. I read the column in Nature and still don't have a clue. But they used my photo - made it look real good, too and published our URL. |
Right: feet in Sports Illustrated - 6/27/98
< By Golly She's Done It Again
Rather -- those Notre Dame Physicists have done it again. They managed to get this photo of one of sandy feet's castles on the cover of the September issue of Science News - a publication frequently found hanging around in school libraries.
- 11/11 - Peoples Choice, Treasure Island (Sandingovations)
- 11/11 - 5th Place, Ft. Myers Beach American Championship
- 10/11 - 4th Place, SPI SandCastle Days
- 3/11 - Peoples Choice (Duo, with John Gowdy) At Qatar Marine Festival - Doha, Qatar
- 11/10 - Peoples Choice at Sanding Ovations Festival - Treasure Island, FL
- 10/10 - Peoples Choice at SandCastle Days - South Padre Island, TX
- 9/10 - 3rd Place at SandCastle Days - South Padre Island, TX
- 4/10 - 3rd Place at Space Coast Open - Cape Canveral, FL
- 9/09 - 2nd Place and Sculptors Choice at Neptune Festival - Virginia Beach, VA
- 6/09 - 5th Place at Hampton Beach
- 9/08 - 3rd place team (with Kirk Rademaker) at Virginia Beach
- 7/08 - Third Place and Peoples Choice at Valladolid (Spain) international competition
- 3/08 - First Place in Sandblasters '08***
- 6/07 - Built a castle for the cover of Texas Monthly*
- 3/07 - Second Place in both Sandblasters '07 and Port Aransas Sandfest***
- 6/05 - New Book - "Sandcastles Made Simple" published by Stewart, Tabori & Chang - available everywhere!
- 9/04 - Second Place (Team) - North American Championship** and Best Handstacked (Duo)** at the World Championship
- 9/03 - Second Place (Team) - North American Championship** and Best Architecture (Team) at the World Championship (with Sons of the Beach)
- 9/03 - "Dream Job" photo page in People Magazine
- 8/03- 2nd Place (3rd Peoples Choice) at Cervia, Italy International competition**
- 6/03 - "Regis & Kelly" reruns pay for my summer in Europe
- Summer/02: Name or web site(s) referenced in the following publications: American Way, Redbook, Yahoo Internet Life, Martha Stewart's Living, Family Circle and Wall Street Journal
- 07/02: Demo and workshops at Atlantis Resort, Bahamas **
- 03/02: Appearance on 4 broadcasts of LIVE with Regis and Kelly
- 10/01: People's Choice Award: SPI Sand Castle Days
- 09/01: "Best Hand Stacked"- World Championship***
- 07/01:1st Place - Cervia, Italy contest (with Carl Jara)
- 03/01: Invitation to represent the US in Luliang, China contest (5th place)
- 10/00: Peoples Choice Award at SPI Sand Castle Days
- 9/00: AP article splashes me all over major publications nationwide - part 1, part 2
- 6/00: 1st Place C101 Contest in Corpus Christi
- 5/00: "sandy feet - queen of sandcastles" featured editorial section of the summer LandsEnd Catalogue
- 7/99: Review of our specialty sand carving tools appears in the New York Times - sales skyrocket!*
- 6/99: pictures of us and our sandsculpture appear in "Self" Magazine and Crayola Kids Magazine*
- 8/98: Self-published new edition of sand castle how-to book (over 4000 copies sold to date via the internet)
- 7/98: Project in Belgium with Inaxi
- 6/98: Picture of me (in swimsuit!) published in June 27 issue of Sports Illustrated along with web site review of unlitter.com
- 6/98: Third place at Italy's first international invitational competition in Jesolo
- 6/97: Picture of one of my castles chosen for Nature Journal cover
- 4/97: Chosen as feature for new Best Buy TV Ad*
- 9/96: "Best Handstacked" - World Championships
- 6/96: First Place, C-Sculptures, Corpus Christi TX
- 7/95: First Woman sculptor to be invited to Parksville Competition
- 4/90: Wrote Sand Castles Step-by-Step, published by Meadowbrook Press
- 9/87: Second Place at Neptunefest, Virginia Beach*
- 1987-90: Guinness World Record for longest sandsculpture*
* accomplished with Amazin' Walter
** accomplished with Fred Mallett
*** accomplished with Kirk Rademaker