Location: World Championship, Harrison Hot Springs, BC - Duo Category

Dates: Sept. 3-5, 2002

Particulars: This piece was entitled "Through Another Looking Glass" - a take-off on the Lewis Carroll story. In our version, Alice encounters a very surreal world indeed - a tip of the hat to Dali, Picasso, Magritte and (for my beloved nephew Eliot) Pokemon.

This was Fred's first masters level contest (nothing like starting at the top!) and we were both very pleased with the finished piece.

Contest Site:
Practice Shots from the Sandbox: click here

the team

Finishing Up...

"Through ANOTHER Looking Glass"

alice front

one side...

alice back

...and another.


The sculptors

pikachu cat snooze

a cat snoozing on a chair
is reflected as Pikachu on a hand

by amazin walter

photos by sandy feet, amazin' walter, and a nice guy wandering by...

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