No Trees Were Killed to Produce This Newsletter and you don't have to read it.
Really. I will never know. What changed everything in 2004: Fred buys the upstairs unit of "Sandbox Condominiums" (February) and it is OURS, ALL OURS! My New Kitchen What dominated my life in 2004: My new "How-To" Sandcastle Book - Required Beach Reading 2005 Me and sister Deb slaving away on the book - San Miguel de Allende (May) - photo by Fred. Deb looks like she is having an inspiring moment in this shot. What I Lost in 2004: Phoebe (July)... and Twiggs (September) Still hurts. My favorite solo sculpture title in 2004: "Microcosm - The Secret Lives of Seashells" - Port Angeles, WA (July) My Favorite Team sculpture in 2004: "By the Light of the Moon" - with Fred - Virginia Beach (Aug., 2nd Place) And finally.... Got that butterfly tattoo I have been wanting all these years (Just kidding, mom) |