Good Places for Sand Castles
Some special locations just beg to be bedecked with a sand sculpture. Logistics and other details might interfere with the building of the actual sand sculpture, but with the wonder of digital photography and a little photoshop magic - we can put virtual sand sculpture pretty much anywhere. Consider this an invitation to all you photoshop junkie SoBs - send me your "good place for a sand suclpture" creation - and you could win a Sand Castle Days '98 T-shirt or a copy of the new SoB Sand Castle book. Attach your 72 ppi jpegs to an e-mail and ship it off to - thanks! Fine print: by sending me your artwork you are giving me permission to post it on my web-site, though I will of course credit you with your work. Feel free to steal a sandyfeet or SoB sculpture for your creation, but please ask permission to use the photos of any other sculptors you find on our pages. |